Monitoring visits of Cooperatives and Agrovets
December 11, 2023: Dang Ghorahi-15: RWDC and iDE Nepal representatives jointly conducted monitoring visits of RePLANT project-related Agrovets and Cooperatives in the Ghorahi area on December 11, 2023.
iDE Nepal representative Regional Field Manager Kalpana Dhital along with RePLANT project officer Sangit Adhikari, Agri Marketing supervisor Sisir Oli, and Project Coordinator HB Thapa visited Agrovets and cooperatives in the Ghorahi area.
The RWDC promoted Agri and women-led Cooperatives such as Jhymamier at Bangaw and Suhdar cooperative at Jhingni were visited and monitored to know about the current status of crop insurance and Kisan Bhachat Khata under this project which is funded by USAID and technically supported by iDE Nepal Kathmandu.
Similarly, the joint monitoring team also visited the Chief secretary at the central office of Lumbini province at Masuriya on the same day.
The team also visited the Agriculture Ministry of Lumbini province and kept them abreast of the RWDC office and the RePLANT project being implemented in five urban and rural municipalities of Dang district.
December 12, 2023
USAID को आर्थिक सहयोग ,iDE नेपाल र ग्रामीण महिला उत्थान केन्द्र दाङको सहकार्यमा सञ्चालन भएको RePLNT परियोजना अन्तरगत आज मिति २०८०/०८/२६ गते ग्रामीण महिला उत्थान केन्द्र दाङ र हेफर ईन्टरनेशनलको सहकार्यमा सञ्चालन भएका लमही नगरपालिका भित्रका सहकारीहरु कर्मठ, दिपन र समुन्नती सा.उ.म.स.सं. लि .तथा राप्ती गा. पा. स्थित बिटिएल एग्रोभेट र लमहि – २ केरुनिया स्थित हरितक्रान्ती सहकारी मा iDE नेपालका Regional Manager कल्पना धिताल र iDE प्रतिनिधि जङ्ग गुरुङ सर संग अबलोकन तथा अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भयो ।